August 2024 release
Major Upgrades highlighted here:
Component | Current | Previous |
e-label Management Tool | v1.13 | v1.12 |
Scantrust portal | v1.45.1 | v1.45.0 |
Individual Component Change List
A more detailed list of the substantive changes affecting each component.
e-label Management Tool v1.13
- Added “Use average energy value” in the energy calculator for the wine template. Users can select the sugar content and alcohol by volume range to get the average value, with pre-selection based on product information if available. If sugar content is not selected in the product information, default options are shown based on the product type.

- Added a mass approve feature, allowing users to approve and publish translations when there are no custom values. If a user has no custom translations and no languages already published, a new dropdown allows them to select multiple languages for approval and publishing.

Additionally, a new button opens the same menu available for users with multiple published languages.

Added basic triman and sustainable wineries logo for wine and aromatized wine templates.
Added ability to upload a GIF file
Added new operator options:
"Bottled for",
"Packaged by",
"Sold by",
"Produced and bottled by",
"Produced and packaged by",
"Packaged for".
Marked known allergens in bold:
Known allergens are now displayed in bold and cannot be modified by users.
Other ingredients cannot be marked as allergens.
Users can still mark custom ingredients as allergens.
List of allergens:
Potassium bisulphite
Egg lysozyme
Milk casein
Egg albumin
Ammonium bisulphite
Wheat protein
Potassium metabisulphite
Sulphur dioxide
Replaced “cl” display with “ml” in the nutrition table for France/French.
Changed the first display option for the “contains… and/or” rule to include brackets for Acidity Regulators and Stabilising Agents. It now displays correctly as:
- Category (contains Ingredient A and/or Ingredient B)
Corrected default values for polyols and organic acids in energy calculator. The updated values are now:
Organic acids: 6g/L
Polyols: 7g/L
Enhanced automatic calculation in the energy calculator, whhen a user inputs the sugar value:
The value is converted from g/L to g/100ml and displayed in the nutrition table.
The Carbohydrate value is automatically calculated in g/100ml (sugars + polyols).
Added automatic conversion of kJ to kcal in the energy calculator.
After obtaining the kJ result from the calculator or manual input, the kcal value is automatically calculated..
If the user changes the kJ value, the kcal value will be recalculated automatically.
Changing the kcal value will not affect the kJ value.
Fixed font size for product and brand names.
Sort languages in alphabetical order in the translation tab.
Fixed an issue where the code space was always selected as a prefix instead of the custom domain for e-label codes.
Fixed an issue where changes were not saved after editing own labels.
Prevent user from saving negative values as net quantity.
Prevent user from saving negative values in the energy calculator.
Fixed an issue where users could not upload the same picture from their laptop after deleting their own label.
Fixed an issue where Impressum was shown for all countries after deletion.
Fixed an issue where searching with '-' did not work for product type.
Fixed issue where search for product type did not work when copying and pasting words or typing with spaces.
Fixed an issue where ingredients continued to display after changing categories, even though they did not exist in the new category.
Updated translations.
Scantrust portal v1.45.1
Added organization feature.
Organization Level: Allows for easier management of users across different products, regions, and divisions within an organization.
Centralized User Management: Org Admins in the management company can manage users across all member companies within the organization without needing to switch between companies.
How to Use This Feature:
- Create an Organization:
An STE Admin on the site-admin initiates the process by creating a new organization and adding the relevant companies under it.
- Manage User Access:
Once the organization is set up, Org Admins can manage user access through the Organization tab found on the Users & Teams page. Here, they can efficiently control user permissions across all companies within the organization.

Key Details:
- Each organization has one management company, which cannot be changed after creation.
- Brand Admins in the management company automatically have Org Admin access.
- Org Admins can manage users in all companies within the organization, even if they are not part of a specific company.
- A new tab in the Users & Teams section is available for Org Admins to manage all users within the organization.
- Added code ingesting templates feature.
Additionally, to simplify the Code Ingestion process, we are introducing Ingestion Templates. To create Ingestion Templates, please navigate to the "Ingestion Templates" tab in the site admin area.
Added support for multiple custom prefixes in code ingestion.
Fixed CSV file with users.
Fixed the display of error messages related to using headers with spaces in code ingestion.
Added new tab icons to the STC editor.