March 2019 release
Major Upgrades highlighted here:
Component | Current | Previous |
API | v2.6.0 | v2.5.5 |
Authentication | v2.5.0 | v2.4.0 |
Portal | No Change | v1.18.2 |
Scantrust Enterprise (Android) | v1.5.0 | v1.4.0 |
Scantrust Enterprise (iOS) | v1.3.0 | v1.2.0 |
The Scantrust Platform is updated continuously. Release notes are created when there is a substantial workflow for feature change that is not backward compatible or when a sufficient number of small changes exist that can be summarized. These changes are accompanied by a major or minor version number change. App updates are bundled with these releases, but also have their own release notes when released separately.
Notable Features & Updates
This list includes important and interesting changes or features. More detail change lists affecting feature changes and updates can be found in the individual component change list appendix.
Based on configuration done in ST portal(via JSON format) at the product level following new features will be available
Apply to Remaining
With this feature only first code scan is required to associate the whole reel of codes to one Logistic Unit from Ship goods
Auto submission and quantity check
i. After user scans the first code for the range on 'Apply to remaining' STE will auto submit the range without going through scan result summary page to 'submit' the codes
ii. With quantity check feature it enforces quantity check for number of items scanned in the range

Pls note above configuration can be done by an ST Engineer only
Individual Component Change List
A more detailed list of the substantive changes affecting each component.
Android Scantrust Enterprise v1.5.0
Based on configuration done in ST portal via JSON format at the product level
- Adds feature 'Apply to Remaining' - where only one code scan is required to associate the whole reel codes to one Logistic unit from Ship goods
- Adds feature for 'Auto submission' - after user scanned the first code for the range, STE will auto submit the range without going through scan result summary page to 'submit' the codes
- Adds feature to enforce quantity check for number of items scanned in the range
Adds support to allow an SCM text field input via scanning a barcode or QR code
Fixes app timeout dialogue
Fixes scanning of logistic unit after cancelling to enter manually
iOS Scantrust Enterprise v1.3.0
- New UI for scan results, which includes replacement of the current VERIFIED result to ACTIVE CODE
- Crash on trying to scan proofsheet codes from Ship goods in SCM tagging
- Fixes Quick scan for archived campaign codes
- Makes consumer URL disabled on scan result page under campaign section
- Enable app performance monitoring only when requested
- Add bundle quantity to Apps code-info endpoint
- Update sentry (error reporting) sdk and usage
- Replace awesome-slugify lib with python-slugify
- Add blur threshold adjustment to site admin
- Add sorting capability to various endpoints
- Upgrade Django and Rest Framework to latest versions
- Update product STC data to allow numbers & booleans
- Fix endpoints returning 500 when user is not logged in
- Fix crash in apps code-info endpoint with sdk < v104
- Fix crash in error handling filter
- Fix crash when calling campaigns with new SDK version
- Fix crash in mobile bundles endpoint
- Range update now supports updating 1 code