July 2022 release
Major Upgrades highlighted here:
Component | Current | Previous |
scantrust backend | v4.3.1 | v4.3.0 |
scantrust portal | v1.35.0 | v1.34.0 |
Scantrust Enterprise (Android) | v2.3.0 | v2.2.9 |
Scantrust Enterprise (iOS) | v4.1.0 | v4.0.0 |
The Scantrust Platform is updated continuously. Release notes are created when there is a substantial workflow for feature change that is not backward compatible or when a sufficient number of small changes exist that can be summarized. These changes are accompanied by a major or minor version number change. App updates are bundled with these releases, but also have their own release notes when released separately.
Notable Features & Updates
This list includes important and interesting changes or features. More detail change lists about feature changes and updates can be found in the individual component change list appendix.
History Look up feature
With this update in the STE app,
- Scans made from lookup tasks (both quick scan and auth scans) are logged into the History list
- Scan result can be viewed moving away from the result screen at a later point of time
- Can easily report scan details, SCM data and other details which gets showed on scan result screen

Individual Component Change List
A more detailed list of the substantive changes affecting each component.
Frontend v1.35.0
- Fixes SSO login issues
- CSV Upload improvements
- Fixes extra space in header and warn user for an invalid key
- Allows scm update by work order/product/status/blacklist reason
- Small bug fixes
- Shows sku in the work order product selection
- Restricts serialized fingerprint work order quantity to 120k on portal
- Updates error code handling to align with backend changes
- Fixes “cancel work order” icon color to red
Backend v4.3.1
- Record last login date of company memberships
- Use standard api errors to communicate login failures
- Limit code quantity allowed when creating serialized fingerprints
- Update all requirements (django 4.0.5, ...)
- Add epac multi-company user support
- Improve SCM bulk update by serial_number
- Raise correct error when an archived user tries to log in
- Add login option to prevent switching to the previous company
- Process "current company" when logging in
- Fix issue with user roles in UserViewSet
- Fix the scan on create task which sometimes fails
- Increase speed of serial number de-duplication
- Fix issue with AlertSubscribers and multi-company users
- Fix django scan admin slow query
Android Scantrust Enterprise v2.3.0
- Adds History for lookup tasks
- Updates SDK v4.1.3
- Fixes login issues when switch to SSO company
iOS Scantrust Enterprise v4.1.0
- Adds History for lookup tasks