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  1. Export as JSON for BI tools
  2. Export as CSV
  3. Parameters

Authentication & Authorization

A UAT token should be used, as described in the Authentication & Tokens section.

  • The following permission is required:
    • scans_download

Exporting As JSON


Exporting scan data for BI purposes should be done as json via cursor mode. This method will export all scans for all products by default, and provides the best performance.


page_mode"cursor" required. Failure to send this will result in inconsistent pagination
timeframeA timeframe is required, eg. 1m for 1 month. Using date_from/date_to is also supported
  1. After initial loading of data is complete, the timeframe should be adjusted down to 1w or 1m.
  2. See the full list for more filter options if required.


Make the first request using the paramters as described above. After retrieving the results, follow the next links for all subsequent requests. Responses will not contain overlapping data.

The response will include a next link. This link should be used to make the next request, and should not be modified. When there is no more data available the next link will be null and reading should stop.

campaign_idrequiredID of the campaign
timeframerequired if date_from not specified1y(past 1 year), 2m(past 2 months), 3w(past 3 weeks), 1d(past 1 day)
date_fromrequired if timeframe not specifiedISO date (e.g. 2018-12-21)
date_tooptionalISO date (e.g. 2018-12-21). Default to current date if not specified
flagsoptionalcounterfeit,out-of-market etc.
activation_statusoptionalinactive=0, active=1, blacklisted=2
{scm field}optionalAny SCM field key/value as a filter.
productoptionalproduct ID (not SKU)

See the response format section for the full contents of a scan record.

"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"uuid": "ec56f4ab-ed5a-4759-ad4c-7e5e59e650ea",
"code_message": "K84KI50SIV0610KYXLBYPQBH"
// ...

Exporting As CSV


CSV export supports all parameters, with a few changes:

  1. Required: either campaign or product
  2. limit is not supported

It is possible to download scan data as CSV if required, though this is not recommended for large amounts of data. Support for doing so will be removed in the future.

Data export via the JSON Api is recommended.

Example Response Data

CSV response data does not follow the same naming conventions as the JSON body for historical reasons. Please take care to note the differences, but in general this means that nested objects are now scm.field, product_name is, etc.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=filtered_scan_data.csv;
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Length: 176990
Content-Type: text/csv

-- body --

c08af33c-720b-4a3f-a89f-0f86f39d5152,2021-04-14T09:30:36.531580Z,1618392636,other,query,ok,failure,,blacklisted,118901e4-9d04-11eb-a54f-fa97856bd60e,,118901e4-9d04-11eb-a54f-fa97856bd60e,,B84EC06A80061SA7842119AA,GN3NYVYR,2,4,2017,12345678901234,SmartMilk ELN,SmartMilk,,MAC,other,other,ip_address,HK,Hong Kong,Central,Central,22.2795000,114.1460000,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
4ca631eb-d68a-40ec-8b24-17026f28df3b,2021-03-17T12:54:23.219715Z,1615985663,other,query,ok,verified,,,e586c198-871f-11eb-a6d6-fa3f7f318d1b,,e586c198-871f-11eb-a6d6-fa3f7f318d1b,,1CE523C048043SMPHGF3SF544215B1C,EDZDSAEY,1,0,1919,SS001,SantiagoShoes2017,JJ,,IPHONE,iPhone,ios,ip_address,KR,South Korea,Seoul,Seoul,37.5985000,126.9783000,,,,,10/1/18,us,,,1/1/18,,,C1,1,,TR1,,ship_1,763C950618043SMPHGF3S4F94A13BE5

Full Parameter List

It is recommended that you export data uising the standard method above, and then filter normally in your BI tool. If you do need to do futher filtering, the following parameters are supported:

campaignintrequired1Show only scans from products in this campaign id e.g 7298
productintrequired1Show only scans from this product id, e.g 10991
timeframestrrequired21[ymdw], ex: 10d or 3m. Will override date_[from,to]
date_fromstrrequired2ISO 8601 date (eg. 2018-12-21T23:59:59.549Z)
date_tostrrequired2ISO 8601 date (eg. 2018-12-21T23:59:59.549Z)
workorderintoptionalShow only scans from codes generated as part of this workorder
code_messagestroptionalShow only scans for this extended id (e.g. dli2910_z37)
flagsstroptionalcounterfeit, out-of-market, etc.
activation_statusintoptionalinactive=0, active=1, blacklisted=2
scm_{fieldname}stroptionalAny SCM field key & value, ex scm_factory=co
limitintoptionalNumber of scans to return per page. Not valid for CSV
token3intoptionalYou JWT access token can be passed here if required
  1. One of these two fields is required. If both are passed, then product is used.
  2. Either a timeframe or a from/to pair is required
  3. Please use the standard Authorization header, support for this method is deprecated

Additional Information

How To Find Your Campaign ID

  1. Choose "Campaigns" in the left hamburger menu
  2. Click the Options icon for the campaign
  3. The URL will contain the Campaign ID at the end:
    1. /#/campaigns/43929/ indicates a Campaign ID of 43929

How to find your campaign SCM Field Keys

If you do not know the name of the scm fields you wish to filter by, you can find them in the campaign options:

  1. Click on Campaigns in the left menu
  2. Click the Options icon for the campaign
  3. Click the SCM T&T tab

This panel contains all fields defined for the campaign. To filter by these, add an scm_ prefix to the key and pass as a querystring paramter.

A field with the key facility_id should be passed as scm_faclility_id

Additional Examples

List scans made in the previous one month for campaign 195, which were flagged out-of-market, and which have intended_market set to China (zh):


Show scans for campaign 195, made in the past year, and which were for codes that were Inactive (activation_status=0):


Response Body (JSON)

The following body is for the standard JSON Export. If you do not use a cursor this will also have a count: int field.

"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
// zero or more results

Response Item Format (JSON)

There are several sections in the json. For a glossary of all the scan results fields see Scan Data Glossary

"uuid": "4ca631eb-d68a-40ec-8b24-17026f28df3b",
"code_message": "1CE523C048043SMPHGF3SF544215B1C",
"consumer_email": "",
"app": "other",
"reason": "query",
"result": "ok",
"auth_failure_mode": "",
"activation_status": 1,
"blacklist_reason": 0,
"computed_status": "verified",
"classification": 1,
"is_blacklisted": false,
"status": "third-party",
"creation_date": "2021-03-17T12:54:23.219715Z",
"scan_timestamp": "2021-03-17T12:54:23.219715Z",
"mobile_scan_timestamp": null,
"device": {
"model": "IPHONE",
"model_name": "iPhone",
"os": "ios",
"brand": "Apple"
// current scm data at the time of download
"scm_data": {
"tbox": "763C950618043SMPHGF3S4F94A13BE5",
"reel_id": "1",
"rcontainer": "C1"
"country_name": "South Korea",
"country_code": "KR",
"province_name": "Seoul",
"city": "Seoul",
"lat": 37.5985,
"lng": 126.9783,
"serial_number": "EDZDSAEY",
"product_id": 1919,
"product_sku": "SS001",
"product_name": "SantiagoShoes2017",
"product_image": "c/446/product/blob-tjyztv.png",
"code_id": 7519082,
"flags": [],
// user related fields
"install_id": null,
"utid": "e586c198-871f-11eb-a6d6-fa3f7f318d1b",
// optional user filds
"user_id": 400,
"user": {
"first_name": "User",
"last_name": "Name",
"email": ""

GET: /api/v2/dashboard/scans/csv

Retrieves a CSV-version of the scan-data.

Note: All parameters and filters applicable to /api/v2/dashboard/scans/ are identical (see above)

The response will be formatted as comma-separated non-quoted CSV with header. For an example see below.

There are several sections of the CSV which are broken up with dot-notation, for example: scan.computed, code.extended_id, etc. For a glossary of all the scan results fields see Scan Data Glossary

Response (200): Status OK

Example CSV:

c08af33c-720b-4a3f-a89f-0f86f39d5152,2021-04-14T09:30:36.531580Z,1618392636,other,query,ok,failure,,blacklisted,118901e4-9d04-11eb-a54f-fa97856bd60e,,118901e4-9d04-11eb-a54f-fa97856bd60e,,B84EC06A80061SA7842119AA,GN3NYVYR,2,4,2017,12345678901234,SmartMilk ELN,SmartMilk,,MAC,other,other,ip_address,HK,Hong Kong,Central,Central,22.2795000,114.1460000,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
4ca631eb-d68a-40ec-8b24-17026f28df3b,2021-03-17T12:54:23.219715Z,1615985663,other,query,ok,verified,,,e586c198-871f-11eb-a6d6-fa3f7f318d1b,,e586c198-871f-11eb-a6d6-fa3f7f318d1b,,1CE523C048043SMPHGF3SF544215B1C,EDZDSAEY,1,0,1919,SS001,SantiagoShoes2017,JJ,,IPHONE,iPhone,ios,ip_address,KR,South Korea,Seoul,Seoul,37.5985000,126.9783000,,,,,10/1/18,us,,,1/1/18,,,C1,1,,TR1,,ship_1,763C950618043SMPHGF3S4F94A13BE5